Air Conditioning Repair & Installation

Do you need your air conditioner repaired?  Do you need a new central air conditioner installation?  Marmot can provide fast, reliable and professional AC service and repair to our local Longmont customers.  If your old AC unit can be fixed, we will fix it.  If you are looking for a new air conditioning system, we are the right choice–we can install a new, high efficiency air conditioner for you quickly, and for a competitive price.  No surprises, no gimmicks.Heating and Cooling

Furnace Repair & Installation

Are you looking to get your furnace inspected and ready for a new fall and winter season?  Marmot has the best furnace and central heating technicians in town.  We want to make sure you stay warm when you need to stay warm and your home’s heating system is maintained and running efficiently.  If you need a furnace repair, we can be there for you.  We even offer emergency furnace repair to get you back on track as quickly as possible.  But if your furnace is old, or in need of a major repair, we can discuss a furnace replacement with you as well.  Our technicians are skilled and highly trained so they can offer solid advice on choosing a repair vs replacement on your home HVAC system.


Plumbing Repairs, Master Plumber in Longmont

plumberMarmot Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning offers the best service in Longmont–at the best prices.  Get your plumbing repaired or installed by a master plumber.  We offer emergency plumbing and drain cleaning, all hours, to minimize mess and headaches for our clients.  Hiring a plumber can be a good experience if you find a good one.  We guarantee your search for a plumber ends with us!  Our plumbing services include plumbing leaks, back ups, pipe repair, water heater repair and service, water pressure fixes, toilet and faucet repair and installation, and more.  Call your master plumber and Marmot today!